Maria Åkerberg Hair Style Rough 125 ml

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Maria Åkerberg Hair Style Rough 125 ml
Maria Åkerberg Hair Style Rough 125 ml
Maria Åkerberg Hair Style Rough 125 ml.
Product code
125 ml
Delivery time from
1-3 days
Delivery costs from
13,00 €

Hair Style Rough is a salt-water spray that provides stability, texture and body to the hair. It is suitable for all hair types, but especially facilitates the styling of fine, soft hair.

The salts in Hair Style Rough provide the same beach look as a dip in the ocean. It provides a rough and matte finish, without dehydrating the hair.

The product contains natural self preservatives.

Hair Gel is a nourishing styling gel that adds luster and natural stability to both long and short hair, without making the hair stiff and sticky.

The main ingredient is Aloe Vera Barbadensis, which has moisturising and protecting properties. Herbal salts counteracts static hair. Rosemary Oil provides a refreshing scent.

Hair Gel contains no dehydrating alcohol and is suitable even for a sensitive scalp.

The product contains natural self preservatives.

Hair type
Thin, Dry, Dull, Curly, Frissy, Dyed/bleached, Fungus, Dandruff, Thick, Oily, Damaged, Flat, Sensitive scalp
Liquid, Spray
Free from essential oils, Protective, Vegan, Shaping, Volume, Leave-in

Spray Hair Style Rough onto the roots of wet or dry hair. The product is ideal for teasing and/or creating different up-dos. Feel free to add Hair Gel or Moulding Cream afterwards.

Avoid brushing your hair once Hair Style Rough has been used, as it can damage the hair.

Hair Style Rough does not need to be washed out, which means it can be used even if you have gone no poo. To reboot and restyle your hair, take some Hair Conditioner in your hands, add a little water, and distribute in your hair. Brush or comb through as needed. Then you can use Hair Style Rough as usual.

If you have atopic eczema, rosacea or any skin disease, or any other condition, talk to your dermatologist about the suitability of the products for your skin.

Jos sinulla on atooppinen ekseema, rosacea tai jokin ihosairaus, tai muu sairaus, keskustele ihotautilääkärin kanssa tuotteiden sopivuudesta ihollesi.

Väittämät sivustolla eivät ole ruokaviraston tarkistamia eivätkä tuotteet ole tarkoitettu minkään sairauden diagnosointiin, hoitoon, parantamiseen tai estämiseen.

Jos kortinhaltija käyttää reseptilääkkeitä, tai jos kortinhaltijalla on jokin sairaus, kortinhaltijan tulee konsultoida lääkäriään tuotteiden sopivuudesta.

Aqua Purificata/Water, Sodium Bicarbonate, Glycerin (Vegetable), Sodium Levulinate, Sodium Anisate.

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