Maria Åkerberg Saltdeo 50 ml

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Maria Åkerberg Saltdeo 50 ml
Maria Åkerberg Saltdeo 50 ml
Maria Åkerberg Saltdeo 50 ml
Maria Åkerberg Saltdeo 50 ml.
Product code
Delivery time from
1-3 days
Delivery costs from
13,00 €

Salt Deo is a non-scented, highly effective and disinfecting deodorant, free from alcohol and aluminium chloride.

The product does not leave any white marks on fabric, and its effect lasts up to 24 hours. Its disinfectant effect makes it suitable after shaving, both under the arms and on the face.

Based on tested and true knowledge, Salt Deo consists of Ammonium Alum, a naturally occurring mineral. In Sweden, it was traditionally used as a disinfectant and a haemostatic. The deodorising effects have been realised only recently.

Salt Deo is free from alcohol and aluminium chloride (AlCl). Alum is a naturally occurring mineral compund, which does contain aluminium, but in a form that cannot be absorbed by the body.

The product contains natural self preservatives.


Zustand der Haut
Empfindlich, Troken, Normal
Ohne ätherische Öle, Vegan, Bakterientötend

Our popular deodorant Salt Deo is crafted from pure mineral salt and is entirely free from aluminium chloride and other synthetic chemicals. With its potent disinfectant properties, it effectively neutralises body odour without clogging pores.

Apply effortlessly by lightly moistening the stick and rubbing it onto freshly cleansed skin. A bit of friction helps the salt adhere to the skin. It leaves no marks on clothes and dries instantly, allowing you to dress immediately.

Enjoy natural freshness that lasts up to 24 hours!

Wet Saltdeo with water and rub onto freshly washed skin for about 20 seconds. There must be a little friction in order for the salt to loosen.

Afterwards, rinse the tip of Saltdeo carefully (not all of it; then it might detach from its socket), and let it dry before putting back the cap.

If you have atopic eczema, rosacea or any skin disease, or any other condition, talk to your dermatologist about the suitability of the products for your skin.

Jos sinulla on atooppinen ekseema, rosacea tai jokin ihosairaus, tai muu sairaus, keskustele ihotautilääkärin kanssa tuotteiden sopivuudesta ihollesi.

Väittämät sivustolla eivät ole ruokaviraston tarkistamia eivätkä tuotteet ole tarkoitettu minkään sairauden diagnosointiin, hoitoon, parantamiseen tai estämiseen.

Jos kortinhaltija käyttää reseptilääkkeitä, tai jos kortinhaltijalla on jokin sairaus, kortinhaltijan tulee konsultoida lääkäriään tuotteiden sopivuudesta.

Ammonium Alum (alun), Aqua (water bonded to the salt).

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