Maria Åkerberg Face Mask Clearing 50 ml

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Maria Åkerberg Face Mask Clearing 50 ml
Maria Åkerberg Face Mask Clearing 50 ml
Maria Åkerberg Face Mask Clearing 50 ml.
Product code
50 ml
Delivery time from
1-3 days
Delivery costs from
26,00 €

Face Mask Clearing is a deep-cleansing and astringent facial mask with Silica and Vitamin C, suitable for all skin types, including skin with acne.

Face Mask Clearing extracts impurities and has an astringent effect on pores. It is also suitable when there is fluid in the skin, such as blisters, which can cause inflammation. Face Mask Clearing can firm loose skin and make stretch marks less visible.

Silica is one of the minerals that are considered most important for the skin. Silica cleanses clogged pores and binds bacteria, grease and dirt. The result is a healthier and more fresh-looking skin. Silica is also used as a dietary supplement to treat stomach problems. Skin, hair and nails all benefit from an extra dose of Silica from the inside.

Vitamin C from oranges is used in Face Mask Clearing as a preservative and antioxidant.

The product contains natural self preservatives.

Apply Face Mask Clearing to cleansed skin. Avoid the lips, the skin around the eyes and very thin or irritated skin. The mask dries after a few minutes. Leave on for 5-10 minutes. It may also stay on overnight. Rinse off with warm water and follow up with a suitable Freshener.

Use Face Mask Clearing once per week on normal to dry skin, 1-7 times per week on oily skin. Preferably, apply it after AHA & Jojoba Peeling. The skin will absorb the mask’s active ingredients more effectively when it is newly exfoliated.

Daily acne treatment: Face Mask Clearing is excellent on pimples, though it may sting slightly. When needed, the mask can be applied onto specific problem areas, multiple times per day. This daily treatment can be performed for a maximum of two weeks on end.

NB We only guarantee shelf life of six months after opening.

If you have atopic eczema, rosacea or any skin disease, or any other condition, talk to your dermatologist about the suitability of the products for your skin.

Jos sinulla on atooppinen ekseema, rosacea tai jokin ihosairaus, tai muu sairaus, keskustele ihotautilääkärin kanssa tuotteiden sopivuudesta ihollesi.

Väittämät sivustolla eivät ole ruokaviraston tarkistamia eivätkä tuotteet ole tarkoitettu minkään sairauden diagnosointiin, hoitoon, parantamiseen tai estämiseen.

Jos kortinhaltija käyttää reseptilääkkeitä, tai jos kortinhaltijalla on jokin sairaus, kortinhaltijan tulee konsultoida lääkäriään tuotteiden sopivuudesta.

Aqua Purificata/Water, Silica, Glycerin (Vegetable), Xanthan Gum, Citrus Aurantium (Bitter Orange) Fruit Extract, Sodium Levulinate, Sodium Anisate, Lactic Acid, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Biosaccharide Gum-1, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract.

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